Simply put, 2008 was one of the most intense and emotional years of my life. One which will never be forgotten for both the good times and the bad. New friends came into the picture which helped build the steps we needed to put in place to take our music that much further. Ulrich Schnauss in particular became that one friend I always hoped for since I was a child dreaming of the day I would finally hit the stage. He was not only a huge influence to me, but also one of the most amazing collaborators I've ever worked with. The chance to write music with such a legend brought a new sense of excitement into my life and I am so grateful for the opportunities we had with him, not only in songwriting, but also in touring. The chance to work with yet another legend, Kramer, nearly floored me. It was amazing to have that second ear in my own home studio helping shape such an important album for us. It was an eye and ear opening experience I'll never forget. Having finished the album now and receiving the finals xmas eve was the greatest present I could ever imagine!
Losing a friend a week after the anniversary of another friend who passed along nearly destroyed me. It was quite possibly the hardest thing I've ever experienced in my life, but it was also one of the most important learning experiences I've ever had happen. We take everything for granted daily, and it's easy to lose hindsight to it all due the hectic nature of life in general. It opened my eyes and changed me more than anything ever has. It gave new insight into what our music is all about and why it keeps me moving every day. I learned how important it is to let out the tears and the heartbreak through music and art, and how it really can heal the deepest of wounds.
I also learned how important it is to keep a tight friendship with those around you no matter what. My friends, band and family feel closer than ever, and I am humbled by it all.
Here's to another year of amazing events! This time I look forward to more positives than negatives, and I know that no matter what, it's great to be alive with you all today!