As I sit and recollect the previous year, it's indeed nothing short of a roller coaster ride. On one hand the band stepped up a few rungs of the enormous ladder we've been on since 2006. Releasing "Recollections of Memory", guest appearing with Ulrich Schnauss at SXSW, playing live on KEXP and East Village Radio, playing Monolith, and releasing the side project known as Brim Liski were big highlights.
But on the other hand it was a battle and many things were lost. Enoc and the band split ways, countless nights of sleep were lost from the ever present death of my friend Michelle, and we had to hold back on touring till 2010. Of course we're all aware of the increasing pressure of the economy, a very unstable war, and the consequences avoided which have resulted in an unstable climate. But with the new year comes new hope. That's really all we can have at this point in time as we all know the future is completely black until we turn on the lights with each passing day. We look forward to new experiences, new music and a step out of the secure pasts we lived. I vow to make change for myself, the band and for the fans we have so graciously found through our music.
Starting with day one of twenty ten I promise to devote more energy to the one thing I love most of all, that being music, and I surely hope to share it all with you and with those new ears who stumble upon it. Some risks indeed will have to be taken to make this possible and I look forward to giving some new ideas a try. This coming decade is all about not standing back, but standing up and taking a chance. Every person should and does have this right as with every passing year it's remembered how short of a lifespan we all really have. I feel grateful to be alive and to be able to experience all of this. It's indeed amazing how possible it is for us to consciously act on our own in this existence. Might as well take full advantage of it...
I very much look forward to SXSW, a new album and an overall focus of present. I'm proud to have the guys in A Shoreline Dream there every step of the way and couldn't imagine it otherwise. Here's a toast to 2010 from A Shoreline Dream to you!