Friday, October 31, 2008

Au Revoire!

The mixing is complete but the memory is not. The album is simply sounding stellar. Kramer sprinkled in quite a bit of love. Can't wait to reveal it to ya.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Mixing it up with Kramer as we speak. Good ole fashioned fun and lotsa hard work. Can't wait to reveal it all to you! For now here's a pic of us in front of the studio.

Monday, October 27, 2008

ready for the final liftoff

Kramer arrives tomorrow and everything is good to go. Got the hookers, the booze, the good times, and the sound of music. Now add the mixing and mastering of a legend.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"hypermode" preview at Filter

Mucho thanks to Filter for posting a preview of what's to come. A new track from the album coming out February 10, 2009, featuring Ulrich Schnauss:

Sunday, October 12, 2008

tracking is complete!

Today is the day. We are now complete in the land of tracking. Kramer is heading to our studio on October 27th to add his "core" magic to the disc. Fun times ahead. . .

Monday, October 6, 2008

Abandon the Media Truck before it explodes. . .

We live in an increasingly dark time that relies on scare tactics, corporate mind washing & increased political anger. I wanted to take this moment to remind everyone to live not for what is told to you by your newspaper, television set or web blog sponsored by Chevy, but to start living, thinking and researching history and the present day for yourselves. I fear that too many have lost touch with reality, and are being controlled without awareness. It's been told through history time and time again, and we still can't learn from the mistakes of the past. It's sad, but it can be stopped. Fear spreads worse than any wildfire, and the current level of fear is way past orange. Think about it. Every civilization destroys itself by this fear spreading and weakening the interior. We must stop it from happening or face a consequence we'll regret more than losing our 401k's. There is truly nothing to fear. Corporations are not our mothers, and we don't have to do what they tell us to.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Freight Train

One of our goals has been to compose music that makes you feel the way that a train does as it approaches from the distance then passes closely. You can feel the energy build as the engine approaches and the rails begin to tremble. You are then somewhat surprised by the speed and sonic pressure as the engine and its cars begin to pass. You become acclimated to watching each individual car as you become adjusted to the speed and presence. It is at that point that you begin to gaze beyond the glass and into the depth of the interior of each car. Each glimpse creates a new story only limited by the briefness of the glimpse and your own imagination.

I recently had the opportunity to visit Germany. With our full length nearly complete, I took the time to listen to our efforts while I traveled through the city and the countryside. As I waited on platforms and rode in cars I compared our work to the sensations that I experienced. And, after everything was done I had a chance to reflect on our efforts during a very long flight back from London. It was during my flight that I wrote my final comments as I listened. The more opportunities I had to listen, the more excited I felt about our work. I feel like everyone has done an exceptional job on composition and recording and the album is sensational.

With only a few more sessions left we will have completed the task of recording our next full length album. And, once we have it completed I look forward to hearing everyones thoughts on the moods and sensations they felt while listening to the album or coming out to a show. We will have to see.
